Sunday, April 24, 2011

a very non-traditional easter

After a long week and the weekend of the production for Beauty and the Beast, Sophia is relaxing in her easter best!
I read the New York Sunday Times for about 2 hours on our lovely front porch, sipping of course, yummy mugs of coffee, yes mugs!
I could hear John above me working in my study/snuggery to prime the walls before it gets painted. Everyone in their quiet spaces, just taking in the ahhhh of Sunday morning!
One of our neighbors walked by, with a wee one in tow, and 4 weeks away from delivering another wee-one! We exchanged hellos, and she said " Is that the New York Times?" I just smiled and said "ohhh yes!"
I imagine she looks forward to the days of sitting on her beautiful porch, doing the same!
I savor these moments, I know how quickly it all goes by!

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to order one of, not the garden or the gardening equipment, the cutie patootie working in the garden-THAT'S what I want!
    love to all...jackie
