Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Simple, I know that's the point! Mixed greens, prewashed, healthy,good! The thing I DID do to this simple salad, was drizzle a scrumptous 25 year old balsamic vinegar, and a superb olive oil ! Cooking with any olive oil is o.k. It's when you use it on your salad, you want the best!
I have a friend, Margaret, who just came back from Italy, so guess what she brought back for me! Yes, a beautiful bottle of olive oil!!!!!! I could drink it, I thought I'd better make it last!
Our friend, Kristi came for dinner and I made spaghetti al limone, (recipe on blog) and a simple salad, of course, great bread with olive oil. Kristi brought  the perfect bottle of pinot grigio to complete a lovely, yet simple meal. Yummy!

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